New CalWORKs Students

Welcome to the LAVC CalWORKs Program. We are here to assist you in reaching your vocational goals.

If you have been referred by your GAIN Service Worker, please complete the following steps:

  • Attend LAVC New Student Orientation online by CLICKING HERE.
  • Financial Aid. Complete a "California College Promise Grant" (formerly known as the Board of Governors (BOG) fee waiver) or complete a FAFSA application online or get assistance in the Financial Aid office, Click HERE to go to their website.
  • Complete "CalWORKs Intake Forms" and save it to your computer.
  • Email the CalWORKs Intake Forms along with your referral form (GN6006, GN6005A, GN6390) to
Checklist Illustration

Once our office receives your Intake and referral forms we will contact you to attend CalWORKs New Student Orientation online. Please prepare the following items to be collected:

  • A valid form of identification
  • "Verification of Benefits letter" indicating your cash aid amount and number of people on your case dated within four weeks of the start of courses (Request this document from your DPSS Eligibility Worker) or you can access it on the Your Benefits Now website. Watch this short video on how to access this form and save to your computer.
  • Complete the "Textbook / Materials Worksheet" to request a reimbursement of required items for your courses. (Obtain this form from LAVC CalWORKs office).  

During CalWORKs Orientation, we will discuss many important topics related to your success at LAVC.

After you complete CalWORKs Orientation, schedule an appointment with a CalWORKs Counselor to discuss your courses and develop your Student Educational Plan.

For CalWORKs students to receive Priority Registration, complete the following:

  1. Attend college and program orientation
  2. Meet with a college Counselor to develop a Student Educational Plan
  3. Attend follow-up appointments
  4. Provide eligibility documentation for CalWORKs

Students must also attend various workshops offered by the CalWORKs program and other approved programs on campus throughout the semester.


You have taken the first steps in accomplishing your educational and vocational goals.
Our office is here to assist you in reaching those goals.
Should you have any questions, please contact us!!





Phone: (818) 947-2976